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Get started with OpenFrontend

OpenFrontend.Framework is a powerful, feature-packed frontend toolkit for the travel industry. Build anything - from prototype to production - in minutes.

Based on Bootstrap

OpenFrontend is a custom distribution based on the well-known CSS and JS framework Bootstrap.


We have already created some examples that you can use to test the various options.

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Discusses how to tailor OpenFrontend’s design and behavior, including using Sass for style customization, adjusting component settings, and optimizing the final output.


Provides guidance on creating responsive layouts using OpenFrontend’s grid system, containers, and utilities.


Covers styling for standard HTML elements, including typography, images, and tables, to ensure consistency and responsiveness.


Details OpenFrontend’s form styles and layouts, including various form controls and validation methods.


Describes a range of pre-styled components like modals, navbars, and buttons that can be easily incorporated into web projects.


Offers utility classes for common tasks like clearing floats, managing text, and setting colors.


Focuses on utility classes for layout, spacing, sizing, and other CSS properties, providing flexibility in customizing elements.


Provides information about the OpenFrontend project, including its team and licensing.